Tag Archives: DBpedia

Extracción de información (el caso DBpedia)

Esta semana arranca una nueva asignatura con un sugerente título, Information Management. En julio preparé la guía y ahora la estoy adaptando para las clases recogiendo la experiencia del semestre pasado (Web Communication) e introduciendo ideas que me han venido a la cabeza en las últimas semanas.Mapa conceptual

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Linking data in the Tweetsphere

For  a couple of weeks I’ve been twitting (and tweeting) more than usual, because

  1. I’m helping in both Transket‘s and Natouring‘s communication campaigns
  2. I’m trying to understand better when (and how) to use Facebook,  FriendFeed, Delicious, Yammer or Twitter (I also blog and wiki, but these I know when and how).
  3. I’m introducing my students into Twitter, after having introduced them into CiteULike, Delicious; before we go into FriendFeed and GoogleReader. (I’m sorry I’ve given up Twine and Gnoss for the moment; interesting but not fluent). Continue reading