Nos llega el número 174 de la Revista CDD del Observatorio Vasco de Drogodependencias, de donde extraemos información de dos interesantes documentos. Uno, resultado de un estudio sociológico sobre el juego y sus patologías y otro que relacionan el ocio (la música concretamente) con el tratamiento de las adicciones.
Estudio Sociológico sobre el Juego y sus Patologías y Conductas Adictivas en la Comunidad Autónoma de Euskadi
El presente informe es resultado del estudio realizado por la Dirección del Juego y Espectáculos del Departamento de Interior del GobiernoVasco sobre la realidad del juego privado en Euskadi durante los meses de diciembre de 2007 a marzo de 2008.
Music Therapy and Addictions (David Aldridge y Jörg Fachner, eds)
Recent studies show that music can reach the parts of the human brain that are linked to addiction, and can function as an integral part of recovery. This research-based, practical book demonstrates how music and music therapy can be applied in a variety of treatment settings to bring about therapeutic change. Addictions such as alcohol, gambling and drugs are all covered in this interdisciplinary text, and chapters explore everything from the meaning of music in the lives of addicts to devising music therapy programs, enhancing coping strategies and preventing relapse. Lifestyle issues are also considered, along with the role of therapeutic communities, and connections in the brain between addiction, music, memory and emotion. The strategies outlined are relevant to addicts and recovering addicts of all ages. This book will be of interest to music therapists, substance abuse counsellors, and anybody else interested in the relationship between music and addiction and the therapeutic use of music.
Music Therapy and Addictions
Edited by David Aldridge and Jörg Fachner
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