Phd programmes


University of Deusto´s PhD programme in Education, regulated by the Royal Decree 99-2011 and verified by ANECA, is oriented towards the study of the processes of learning, teaching, and development as well as the educational structures in which they operate. More specifically, research studies on lifelong learning, formal education, inclusive education, and social pedagogy are implemented. The Faculty of Psychology and Education, which runs the PhD programme, exhibits a long trajectory of professional training and extensive research work in the field that enables it to provide excellent training for education researchers by equipping them with discipline-specific competences and by inculcating in them a commitment to social and educational ends through educational research.

The PhD in Education programme aims to train doctors that will lead not just research processes but also the advancement of the fields of psychology and pedagogy. For this end, this high-quality PhD programme seeks to develop technical competences necessary for generating knowledge in the psychology and pedadogy fields as well as for leading knowledge transfer to a variety of relevant contexts and realities, focusing on developing the methodological, theoretical, and technical know-how of researchers in the training process. The projects and lines of research of the research groups involved in this programme offer a wide range of themes and research problems that are highly pertinent to the needs of contemporary society.

In addition, the PhD in Education programme pays particular attention to the internationalization of its researchers as well as the scope of its collaborative research projects. To this end, the University of Deusto has established collaboration agreements with several universities in Europe and beyond: Danmarks Paedagogiske Universitetsskole de la Aarhus Universitet (Denmark), Universität zu Köln (Germany); University of Nizwa (Oman), Universidad Iberoamericana (Mexico), Wheeling Jesuit University (USA), and Universidad Católica de Córdoba (Argentina). Furthemore, it is involved in projects with a variety of universities both within Spain and abroad: University of Melbourne (Australia), Universidad Católica de Concepción (Chile), Universidad Ramón Llul (Barcelona), Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA) (Argentina), among others.

For more information HERE

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