Editorial Especial Learning Analytics: Del Análisis del Aprendizaje a su Mejora: Retos y Oportunidades

Mariluz Guenaga and Pablo Garaizar

Learning Analytics (LA) is an interdisciplinary field where education, statistics, and technology merge to glean insights from learning data. Collaboration and knowledge-sharing are essential, evident in conferences like LAK and LASI-Spain, facilitating advancements in learning and teaching processes.

Learning analytics (LA) is a multidisciplinary area of research where education, statistics, and technology experts collaborate with other disciplines to get insights from learning data sets. This involves a continuous cycle of gathering data from teachers’ and students’ interactions, filtering and translating it to proper formats, using a wide range of analysis techniques and starting again after taking advantage from results found. Considering the variety of expertise involved, the need of sharing knowledge and experiences is highlighted in relevant forums such as the Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) Conference. The same happens at Spanish level with the Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI-Spain) and the Spanish Network of Learning Analytics-(SNOLA). Research works presented in this special issue show the ability of analysing and improving learning and teaching processes through LA. These three papers address different educational challenges such as assessing massive collaborative projects, evaluating the accessibility and usability of open educational resources and mapping them with the IMS Caliper standard, and using social network analysis to evaluate the socio-regulation skills among students.

Guenaga, Mariluz & Garaizar, Pablo. (2015). Editorial Especial Learning Analytics: Del Análisis del Aprendizaje a su Mejora: Retos y Oportunidades. Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje. 3. 197-198.

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