Miss To Hit

MISStoHIT tackles STEM misconceptions with innovative Inquiry Based Learning activities, emphasizing gender equality, cross-testing, and open accessibility.


Reference: 2015-1-ES01-KA201-016001

Title: MissToHit: From Misconceptions To Learning Insights Through Inquiry With Playful Physical Objects

Funded By: Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

From 2015-09-01 to 2017-08-31



  • NEMO SCIENCE MUSEUM (Netherlands)
  • IBIMET-CNR (Italy)
  • INTERZONAS (Spain)
  • UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE (Netherlands)

Website: misstohit.deusto.es


The main goal of MissToHit:From Misconceptions To Learning Insights Through Inquiry With Playful Physical Objects project is to create a learning community where formal and informal learning initiatives can share STEM-related learning activities based on physical objects in an Inquiry-based learning (IBL) methodology.

The main target groups of the project’s activities and results are Educators and Learners, in formal (schools) and informal (e.g. science museum) learning scenarios. Within the MISStoHIT community, learners and educators can adopt several roles: a) consumers of previously created learning resources; b) producers of new learning materials (remixing models, experiments, guides, etc.); or c) providers of learning insights: misconceptions, experiments’ ideas, hints, or new approaches. Scientists and other stakeholders (industry, public bodies, etc.) are also invited to contribute to the creation of learning materials that match everyday practice in museums and classrooms.

The project will carry out preliminary studies to define and establish the fundamentals of the project, e.g. STEM and ICT curriculum, gender, legal and ethical issues will be analyzed. The new pedagogical methodology approach designed by educators will be the base to design and develop e-learning tools and resources, and an on-line collaborative platform where students and teachers will be able to learn, teach and co-create content for STEM courses.

Escudo Universidad de deusto