Reference: TIN2015-71669-REDT
Title: Spanish Network of Learning Analytics
Funded By: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivesness
Website: snola.es
SNOLA (Spanish Network of Learning Analytics) is a network that integrates the major national researchers in the area of Learnign Analytics. Formed by 10 researchers from nine Spanish research groups, it has a primary focus on technology but aims at integrating other visions and disciplines from the educational sector that expands the scope of the network. The main objectives of SNOLA are: (1) to promote the collaboration among researchers from the network, also with stakeholders such as public and private educational institutions and industry, and with European and international networks; (2) to disseminate and organize initiatives on a national scale; (3) to provide public resources for the effective integration of LA systems in education; and (4) to train researchers and professionals to meet the challenges of the Digital Society derived from the integration of ICT in education.