Suggesting a Log-Based Creativity Measurement for Online Programming Learning Environment

Lilach Gal, Arnon Hershkovitz, Andoni Eguíluz Morán, Mariluz Guenaga, and Pablo Garaizar

In this paper, we present a preliminary study of creativity in an online programming learning environment.

Creativity has long been suggested as an important factor in learning. In this paper, we present a preliminary study of creativity in an online programming learning environment. We operationalize creativity using an existing scheme for scoring it, and then measure it automatically based on the system log files. We analyze the data in order to explore the associations between creativity and personal/contextual variables. Creativity is associated with contextual variables and is not associated with personal variables. Directions for continuing this research are discussed.

Lilach Gal, Arnon Hershkovitz, Andoni Eguíluz Morán, Mariluz Guenaga, and Pablo Garaizar. 2017. Suggesting a Log-Based Creativity Measurement for Online Programming Learning Environment. In Proceedings of the Fourth (2017) ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale (L@S ’17). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 273–277.

Escudo Universidad de deusto