SAILS – Safe & Autonomous Internet-based Learning Strategies

The aim of this project is to provide students, teachers, schools leaders and families with tools to make appropriate decisions facing the conflicts that COVID-19 has caused in the processes of learning, communication and socialization of the school community.

Reference: 2020-1-ES01-KA226-SCH-096060
Funded by: Erasmus+ KA2
From: 1-03-2020 to: 30-02-2022
Coordinator: UNIVERSIDAD DE DEUSTO (Spain)

  • Stichting International Parents Alliance  (NL)
  • Asociación para el fomento del uso saludable de las TIC EscuelaTIC-IKTeskola Elkartea (ES)
  • European School Heads Association (NL)
  • Ellinogermaniki Agogi Scholi Panagea Savva AE (GR)
Escudo Universidad de deusto