Curiosity. Passion. Growth.​


Associate professor at the Faculty of Engeneering, University of Deusto

Mariluz Guenaga Deusto


Associate professor at the Faculty of Engeneering, University of Deusto

About me

PhD in computer engineering, I am associate professor at the Engineering Faculty – University of Deusto, since 1998, and director of Deusto LearningLab group (2011-2022). I obtained my PhD with the thesis “Integral Accessibility of Digital Resource Centres for People with Visual Disability”. My research interests focus on the innovative use of technology in STEAM* education, learning analytics and game-based learning. I teach subjects related to computer programming, human-computer interaction and data visualization. I participate in European projects aiming at improving STEM education, developing computational thinking skills among primary and secondary school students, and raising their interest towards technology, especially among girls. I also participate and organize dissemination and knowledge transference actions to reach the educational community and improve the STEAM education with the result of our work.

*STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths).

My work

🎓 University activities

Teach programming to first year undergraduate students​

Teach UX-User Experience and Visual Analytics subjects​

Teach about serious games and gamification to doctorate students​

Participate and organize events to disseminate the result of our work​

Coordinate projects at national and European level​

Networking from the local to the international level to design and develop innovative projects​



Emakumeak Zientzian

Translated as “Women in Science”, it aims at promoting the presence of women in the field of science and research, seeking to increase their visibility and participation in scientific disciplines, especially in fields where they have historically been underrepresented.

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GALAXIA-Etorkizuna argitzen

The GALAXIA program aims to improve the professional guidance of young people (+14 y.o.), especially those linked to STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).

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Get in touch

If you would like to share ideas about technology, STEAM, engineering or any interesting topic, don’t hesitate to send me a message!

Escudo Universidad de deusto