Innovación docente, Formación Online, Formación Dual y TIC en la Universidad de Deusto

Autor Olga Dziabenko

Researcher at Fundación Deusto, University of Deusto

The Workshop Kit

Despite average expenditure on schooling has climbed nearly everywhere over the past few years (OECD, 2020) the students’ performance scores have flat-lined (OECD, 2019). The main question is How education system at whole (policy makers, school and teacher) can do… Seguir leyendo →

MoPED: Modernization of Pedagogical Higher Education by Innovative Teaching Instruments

MoPED is 3-year project granted by ERASMUS+ programme, Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education action in 2017. The international consortium embraces ten institutions: three EU universities – University of Deusto, University of Cyprus, and AGH University of Science… Seguir leyendo →

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