
Lourdes Villardón (Lead Researcher)

Lourdes Villardón

PhD in Psychology from the University of Deusto and Professor in the Department of Education at the same University. Her teaching is focused on educational research methodology and Basic, Educational and Developmental Psychology. She is principal investigator of the eDucaR research team. She has participated in numerous funded and public projects at European, national and regional organisms. She has numerous high impact publication on teaching strategies competences development and assessment , collaborative and interactive environments for the improvement of learning, social development and inclusion of all people and teacher professional development.

e-mail:       Telephone number: +34-944139160       Researchgate          Deusto Research     ORCID

Eugenia Allotey

Research Assistant/ PhD student at the University of Deusto with a Marie Curie COFUND grant. My degrees are in Education and Educational Research from the University of Education Winneba (Ghana) and the University of Gothenburg (Sweden). With nine years teaching experience in K12 and early childhood education in Ghana and Sweden, my research interests are in social justice, inclusive education, disability studies, and studies that give voice to the vulnerable and the marginalized in society. Currently I am researching Dialogic Interactions in Schools to value diversity in a compulsory school in Ghana.

Manuela Álvarez

I hold a Doctorate in Hispanic Philology from the University of Deusto and a master´s degree in Teacher Training for Teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language from the University of the Basque Country. I am currently a full professor at the Department of Modern Languages and Basque Studies at the University of Deusto, teaching courses on discourse analysis, teaching linguistic competences (more specifically academic writing), and language pedagogy in a number of undergraduate programmes (Modern Languages, Humanities, Primary Education) and in the master´s programme Teacher Training for Secondary Education Teachers. My research work focuses on discursive studies of academic texts as well as the teaching-learning processes involved in academic writing.

e-mail:        Telephone number: +34-944139258

Garazi Álvarez

Pre-doctoral researcher and member of the at the eDucaR research team at University of Deusto (Spain). Her degrees are in Primary Education and Special Education. She has participated in several national and international projects. Her research interests are in dialogic interventions, inclusive education, and violence prevention. Her research focuses on the prevention of violence with students with Special Educational Needs. She has published in JCR indexed journals and has also participated in international conferences.

Arantza Arruti

Deusto Alumni Aran.02

Arantza Arruti holds a PhD in Pedagogy and is an Expert in Leisure Education from the University of Deusto and a Senior Lecturer at the same university in the Department of Education. She currently teaches at the Faculty of Education and Sport, and manages teaching innovation projects and events at the Teaching Innovation Unit of the same university. As a member of the eDucaR research team, she participates in research projects and her publications mainly focus on the entrepreneurial teacher-person, entrepreneurial education and digital competence in the university context.


María José Bezanilla

marijose google+

María José Bezanilla holds a PhD in Education from the Institute of Education of the University of London and is Senior Lecturer at the University of Deusto in the Department of Education. She is currently the coordinator of the PhD in Education at the Faculty of Education and Sport of the same university. As member of eDucaR research team, she participates in research projects and has numerous publications on critical thinking, the use of ICT in the university context and the development of competences in higher education. Shares her teaching and research activities with management tasks in the Teaching Innovation Unit of the University of Deusto, with particular emphasis on the publications area and the development of transversal competences.

e-mail:         Telephone number: 94-4139000 Ext. 2967      ORCID

Ariane Díaz Iso 

unnamedAriane Díaz Iso completed her PhD in Education at the University of Deusto and She is a master’s degree in Advanced Studies in Language, Communication and its Pathologies from the University of Salamanca. She is currently working as a lecturer at the Department of Education at the Faculty of Education and Sport at the University of Deusto. She teaches undergraduate courses in Primary Education and Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. She is also a member of the Educational Innovation Unit of the same university. Her research areas are teaching innovation, competence development and evaluation in higher education and teaching and learning methods related to humanism and sustainability.


 Iciar Elexpuru

Elexpuru 2016

Iciar Elexpuru Abizuri holds a PhD in Psychology and is a Professor in the Education Department at the University of Deusto, where she teaches on the Social Education degree and on the Master’s degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Education. She is a member of the eDucaR research team. She has participated and participates in research projects at European, national and regional levels and has numerous publications. Her research areas mainly include lifelong learning, teaching strategies and the assessment and development of competencies and values.

e-mail:       Researchgate      Deusto Research       Linkedin

 Aitana Fernández

Aitana Fernandez Villardon holds a degree in Psychology, a master’s degree in General Health Psychology from the University of Deusto, and a master’s degree in Legal Psychology and forensic psychological evaluation from the University of Valencia. She is currently a predoctoral researcher at the University of Deusto in the eDucaR team. Her research lines are focused on the analysis of the impact of dialogic approach among psychotic disorders, in particular, analyzing the influence on mentalization and awareness of illness. She has work experience in clinical intervention with adults and children, as well as in the field of social education. She has participated in research projects of the European Framework Program and in national level projects. She has published in journals indexed in JCR and participated in international confereces. She is currently editorial assistant of International Journal of Educational Psychology (JCR Q3 and SJR Q2).

Lirio Flores


PhD in Educational Innovation and Lifelong Learning from the University of Deusto (UD). Master’s degree in Special Educational Needs graduated from the UD and Bachelor degree in Education from the National Pedagogical University “Francisco Morazán” of Honduras. Currently I am a lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Education and Sports in the Specialty of Modern Languages and in the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, High School, Vocational Training and Language Teaching (English). Professional experience combined as tutor of students in practices, Bachelor’s Degree and Master Degree dissertations, and PhDs. Previous work experience of more than 15 years as a Chair of bilingual educative , and early care centers as well as English teaching teacher in Latin America. My lines of research include: Inclusive education, attitudes towards diversity, English teacher in training, English teacher in service, inclusive practices and development and evaluation of competences.

e-mail:      Researchgate       ResearcherID:  P-5063-2014      ORCID       Linkedin

Rocio García


Ikerbasque Researcher and Ramón y Cajal Fellow at the Faculty of Education and Sports, University of Deusto. I have been a Marie Sklodowska-Curie researcher at the University of Cambridge and a research associate at Wolfson College. PhD from the University of Barcelona, ​​my research focuses on dialogic learning issues, interactions between students and diverse adults, and intellectual and social development of children. I have developed this research in several Projects of the European Research Framework Program (FP6, FP7, H2020) and 4 research projects of the National R&D Plan, being principal investigator in two European and three R&D (IMP-EXIT, INTER- ACT and CHILDPRO, currently in progress). It stands out the Horizon Europe SCIREARLY project (2022-2025), for which I am the PI, with 11 partners and nearly €3 million. I have published in impact journals in education and psychology. These contributions have contributed to improving academic results and social cohesion through Successful Educational Actions that are being applied in more than 9,000 schools around the world. I am currently the Secretary General of the WERA (World Educational Research Association) and editor of the Journal for the Study of Education and Development.


Alba Garcia Cid

PhD in Psychology. Master in Social and Community Research and Intervention and Degree in Psychology (UMA). Research group Quality of Life and Community and Organizational Intervention. Technician in Intervention, Resources and Social Innovation. Currently, Postdoctoral researcher in eDucaR team at the University of Deusto. Professional experience as a Social Psychologist and labor trainer in vulnerable populations, developing social and transversal skills workshops in the Prison of Alhaurín de la Torre and CIS Malaga Evaristo Martín Nieto. My line of research has focused on the study of quality of life in vulnerable populations, analyzing in depth how discrimination affects negatively, as well as the positive variables that act as a protective factor: social support, resilience, health and sense of community, among others. Interested in working on inclusive education, equal opportunities and safe school environments for all children. 


Ana García-Olalla

Soy Ana García-Olalla. Soy doctora en Pedagogía por la Universidad de Deusto. Profesora Titular en la Facultad de Piscología y Educación de la Universidad de Deusto, donde imparto docencia en los grados de Educación Primaria y Educación Social, y en el Master de Dirección y Gestión de centros. Actualmente soy directora del Departamento de Innovación y organización educativa, y responsable de Evaluación y Calidad de la docencia en la Unidad de Innovación Docente. He sido coordinadora del Master en Dirección y Gestión de Centros, de la Formación continua de directivos y su Seminario permanente; formadora de profesores y equipos directivos; y asesora de centros. Mi investigación y publicaciones tratan sobre Dirección y Liderazgo, Equipos Directivos, Competencias, Innovación y Calidad en Educación Superior, Evaluación y Calidad de la Docencia, Competencias y Desarrollo profesional docente.


Nerea Gutiérrez Fernández

Nerea Gutiérrez Fernández has a degree in Early Childhood Education from the UNIR, Primary Education from the Begoñako Andra Mari Teacher Training School and a MULTIELE Master’s degree from the University of Maryland (USA) and the University of Deusto. She is currently a pre-doctoral researcher in the eDucaR team and her line of research focuses on the teaching and learning of English through dialogical gatherings in the university context. She has participated in research projects of the European Framework Program, has published in journals indexed in JCR and has participated in international conferences. She is currently secretary of REMIE (Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research). In addition, she is a lecturer at the University of Deusto and teaches in different degrees of the Faculty of Education and Sport. She also supervises Bachelor’s degree dissertations, coordinates the internship process and she is the academic responsible for the international mobility of students of the Degree in Primary Education.

Andrea Khalfaoui

I am Andrea Khalfaoui Larrañaga. I hold a university degree in Early Childhood Education from the University of the Basque Country and a master´s degree in Research in Socio-Educational Fields form the same university. I am currently a pre-doctoral researcher and an FPI scholar at the University of Deusto as well as a meber of the network Subred Universitaria for the promotion of educational research on Communities of Learning (IKUBAS). I am also a collaborator in an I+D project managed by the University of Deusto. My PhD thesis focuses on the improvement of coexistence, learning, and development in early childhood years through intercultural interactions, which basically outlines my main research interests.

e-mail:    Tfna: +34 944 139 003  Ext. 3217  ORCID  

Olga Khokhotva


I am Olga Khokhotva. I have a Bachelor degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language from Semey State Pedagogical University (Kazakhstan), Master’s degree in Erasmus Mundus Master in Lifelong Learning: Policy and Management (joined degree of Aarhus University (Denmark), Deusto University (Spain), and University College London (UK)). I am also a certified teacher trainer holding the certificate from the University of Cambridge. Currently I am a PhD student and an FPI research assistant at the University of Deusto. My research interests include: effective teaching and learning, adult learning and professional development, values development, policy analysis and Lesson Study approach to teachers’ professional learning.


Oihane Korres


I am Oihane Korres. I earned my PhD in Educational Innovation and Lifelong Learning from the University of Deusto. I also finished my master´s in Compulsory Secondary Education, Post-Compulsory education, and Language Teaching from the same university, my undergraduate in Audiovisual Communication from the University of the Basque Country, and a higher technical course in Audiovisual Production from Instituto Tartanga. At present, I am a professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education at the University of Deusto, teaching undergraduate courses in Primary Education as well as master´s courses in Teacher Training for Secondary, Post-Compulsory, and Language Teachers. I have carried out research on values development, adolescence, communication and media, and ICT as part of eDucaR.

e-mail:         Researchgate 

Jesús Marauri

I am Jesús Marauri Ceballos, teacher, pedagogue and PhD in Education from the University of Deusto. I am currently in charge of Continuing Education at this university and I belong to the Faculty of Education and Sport. I teach on the Primary Education Degree in which I am also a tutor. Due to my profile, my work has been very school-oriented, in fact, I have worked as a teacher, tutor, coordinator, counsellor and director. I have also worked as a pedagogical advisor in different educational institutions. My areas of interest are focused on researching how to achieve the best results for students in all areas of their lives, always seeking the principles of scientific research. I am a member of the eDucaR team at the University of Deusto.

e-mail:  ORCID

Zoe Martínez de la Hidalga


I am Zoe Martínez de la Hidalga de la Torriente. I had my PhD in Education and a Bachelor degree in Pedagogy from the University of Deusto. Currently, I am a professor at the Faculty of Education and Sport and the Head of the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, High School, Vocational Training and Language Teaching (MFPS). I teach the subjects “Family and School” (Degree in Primary Education) and “Tutoring, Family and Sport” (Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Science). In the Master’s Degree, I also teach “Society, Family and Education”, “Identity of the Teacher”, “Tutorial Action” and “Professional Guidance”. In recent years, I have been working on research projects related to the improvement of Teaching and Learning, with special interest on Professional Identity of the Teacher and Interactive Learning Environments.

e-mail:     Telephone number:  +34944139135      Researchgate   ORCID

Jessica Paños 

I am Jessica Paños, graduated in Business Administration and Management, a degree in Primary Education with a specialisation in Therapeutic Pedagogy, a master’s degree in didactic and methodological innovation projects in Educational Institutions in the research itinerary and a doctoral student in the Education programme at the University of Deusto. I am currently a lecturer in the Faculty of Education and Sport at the University of Deusto, teaching on the degrees of Primary Education, Primary Education and Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, and Social Education and Social Work. My lines of research focus on entrepreneurship, active methodologies, and Information and Communication Technologies. e-mail:


Miriam Pérez

Graduated in Industrial Engineering (UPV-EHU), Master in Renewable Energies (UPNa) and Master in Teacher Training (University of Deusto). Professor at the Faculty of Education and Sport (Donostia/San Sebastian campus), in the degree of Primary Education and in the Master in Teacher Training. My lines of research are the motivations and experiences in Higher Education and scientific vocation. 

Virginia Ros

Graduated in Primary Education with mention in music, Master in Special Educational Needs and doctoral candidate in the Education program at the University of Deusto. I am a teacher and researcher at the Faculty of Education and Sport. I teach in the degrees of Primary Education and Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and my professional experience is based on teaching different subjects, tutoring academic work in master’s degree, end of degree projects and tutoring internships in different educational centers. My lines of research focus on the development and evaluation of competencies, active methodologies, Inclusive Education and practices and attitudes towards diversity. 

Laura Trimiño

A predoctoral researcher at the eDucaR team of the University of Deusto, with a Research Staff Training grant from the Basque Government. I hold a master’s degree in School Administration and a degree in Primary Education with a mention in Therapeutic Pedagogy from the same university, as well as a degree in Early Childhood Education from the University of Basque Country. My research interests focus on parental participation in schools, especially, home-school communication, through new technologies.


Erlantz Velasco


I am Erlantz Velasco Luzuriaga. I earned my PhD in Education from the University of Deusto. I also hold a university degree in History as well as a master´s degree in Teacher Training for Secondary, Post-Compulsory, and Language Teachers. I am currently a member of the research team eDucaR and I teach classes in the undergraduate programmes Physical Activity and Sports Sciences and Primary Education. My research interests include teaching-learning processes in academic writing as well as pedagogy in social sciences.


Concepción Yániz

ConcepcionYanizShe is a lecturer at the Faculty of Education and Sport, and Director of the Deusto International Research School (DIRS).She teaches Psychology of Education and Development in Primary Education, Social Education and Social Work; Learning and Personality Development in the Master of Teacher Training in Secondary Education; and is a member of the faculty of the doctoral program in Education.Member of the research team Deusto Education Research (eDucaR) dedicated to the research of teaching processes for success in learning and development. Her research and publications in recent years deal with lifelong learning and development; competency to learn; and the design and impact of the training of individuals, teachers and researchers.

e-mail:  Deusto ResearchResearchgate    ORCID

Telephone number: +34 944 139 003 Ext. 2068/2697   Web

Lara Yáñez

I am Lara Yáñez Marquina, Bachelor degree in Physics from the University of the Basque Country (EHU-UPV) and PhD in Education from the University of Deusto (UD). Currently I am a profesor at the Faculty of Education and Sports. I teach Natural Sciences and their Didactics I in the degree in Primary Education, as well as Mathematics and their Didactics II and Mathematics and their Didactics III in the double degree in Pshysical Activity and Sports Science + Primary Education. In both cases, I am also the coordinator of the Degree´s Final Project. Regarding the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, High School, Vocational Training and Language Teaching, I am the coordinator of the Master´s Final Project in the university campus of Bilbao, professor in the scientific-technological speciality and part of the management support team. My research interests focus on methodologies and competency assessment, with special emphasis on research and diagnostic methods.


Escudo Universidad de deusto