Rocío García-Carrión es investigadora Ikerbasque Research Professor en la
Universidad de Deusto, pertenece a la Facultad de Educación y Deporte, y al equipo de investigación eDucaR (Deusto Education Research).
Ha sido investigadora Marie Sklodowska Curie en la Universidad de Cambridge, donde también ha sido miembro de Wolfson College e investigadora visitante en Harvard University.
Su investigación se centra en el estudio de intervenciones educativas basadas en evidencias científicas, entornos dialógicos de aprendizaje, inclusión de grupos vulnerables y participación de las familias y la comunidad.
Entre sus logros más destacables se incluye la dirección del proyecto Horizon Europe SCIREARLY (https://scirearly.eu/), con la participación de 10 países europeos y financiado con cerca de 3 millones de euros dedicado al estudio de políticas y prácticas basadas en evidencias para mejorar el rendimiento académico y reducir el abandono escolar temprano. Ha dirigido y participado en numerosos proyectos de investigación nacional e internacional, como el proyecto Horizon Europe IMPROVA para promover la salud mental entre la población adolescente en los centros educativos. Cuenta con más de 70 publicaciones científicas, artículos en revistas de impacto, libros y capítulos de libro. Es Secretaria General de la World Educational Research Association (WERA).
▪️ Fernández-Villardón, A., de Ibarra, A. S., Domínguez-Panchón, A., & García-Carrión, R. (2025). Progress in mentalizing ability among people with psychosis through dialogic literary gatherings. BMC psychology, 13(1), 1-13.
▪️ Khalfaoui, A., García-Carrión, R., & Villardón-Gallego, L. (2020). Bridging the gap: engaging Roma and migrant families in early childhood education through trust-based relationships. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 28(5), 701-711.
▪️ García-Carrión, R., Molina-Luque, F., & Roldán, S. M. (2018). How do vulnerable youth complete secondary education? The key role of families and the community. Journal of Youth Studies, 21(5), 701-716.
Who carries out research at the University of Deusto? Meet Rocío García Carrión

Rocío García-Carrión is an Ikerbasque Research Professor at the University of
Deusto. Where she is affiliated with the Faculty of Education and Sport, as well as the eDucaR (Deusto Education Research) research team.
She has previously held a Marie-Sklodowska Curie research position at the University of Cambridge, where she was also a member of Wolfson College and a visiting researcher at Harvard University.
Her research focuses on the study of evidence-based educational interventions, dialogic learning environments, the inclusion of vulnerable groups, and the involvement of families and communities.
One of her most notable achievements is leading the Horizon Europe SCIREARLY project (https://scirearly.eu/), which involves 10 European countries and has been funded with nearly 3 million euros. The project aims to study evidence-based policies and practices to improve academic performance and reduce early school dropout rates. She has directed and participated in numerous national and international research projects, including the Horizon Europe IMPROVA project, which promotes mental health among adolescents in educational settings. She has published more than 70 scientific papers, articles in high-impact journals, books, and book chapters. Additionally, she serves as the General Secretary of the World Educational Research Association (WERA).
▪️ Fernández-Villardón, A., de Ibarra, A. S., Domínguez-Panchón, A., & García-Carrión, R. (2025). Progress in mentalizing ability among people with psychosis through dialogic literary gatherings. BMC psychology, 13(1), 1-13.
▪️ Khalfaoui, A., García-Carrión, R., & Villardón-Gallego, L. (2020). Bridging the gap: engaging Roma and migrant families in early childhood education through trust-based relationships. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 28(5), 701-711.
▪️ García-Carrión, R., Molina-Luque, F., & Roldán, S. M. (2018). How do vulnerable youth complete secondary education? The key role of families and the community. Journal of Youth Studies, 21(5), 701-716.
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