Ya está disponible el nuevo libro de la Colección Documentos de Deusto Estudios de Ocio de la Universidad de Deusto, Leisure experiences, opportunities and contributions to human development. Este libro es una invitación a la reflexión y al debate sobre el concepto de experiencia desde los Estudios de Ocio. Autores de la talla de Sttebins y Dattilo, entre otros, analizan la naturaleza, rol e importancia de las experiencias de ocio en aspectos cruciales para el desarrollo humano, destacando el papel de la educación o la inclusión en la consecución de este objetivo. María Jesús Monteagudo (ed).
The new human development paradigm rests on the human and cultural capital of peoples and revolves around the challenge of increasing the well-being and happiness of people. Therefore, leisure understood in today’s societies as one of the key means to feel good, satisfied with life and reaffirmed in the pursuit of a meaning for life, seems to be ultimately called to play a key role in promoting human development processes. The contents of this book are a good proof of it. Each chapter focuses on a different approach, discipline or group and highlights the potential of leisure experiences for human development. This book is an invitation to reflection and thought on issues that, far from being irrelevant, have a bearing on people’s future, in terms of happiness, well-being and quality of life. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that future leisure develops under the guidelines of a leisure that contributes to human development.
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