Miembros de eDucaR presentan dos comunicaciones en EARLI 2019

Rocío García, Nerea Gutiérrez y Beatriz Villarejo, miembros del equipo eDucaR, han estado presentes en el Congreso bianual EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction), celebrado del 12 al 16 de agosto en la Universidad de Aachen (Alemania). Un congreso que llevaba como tema “Thinking Tomorrow’s Education: Learning from the past, in the present and for the future”.

Las investigadoras han presentado en dos comunicaciones en el symposium “Interactive Learning Environments that support cognitive, emotional and identity development”, organizado por AMIE (Asociación Multidisciplinar de Investigación Educativa). Las comunicaciones realizaba aportaciones en temas de prevención de la violencia de género y del desarrollo de la identidad docente a través de Tertulias Pedagógicas Dialógicas.

Enlarge SEAS: Training sessions in Lisbon

Lisbon has hosted the first training related to the European project Enlarge SEAS which has taken place from the 14th to the 17th of May. In it, teachers and members of the management teams from very diverse schools in Portugal, Malta, Czech Republic and Spain have met to learn more about the Dialogic Literary Literary Gatherings (DLG) and Interactive Groups (IG) in order to implement them in their schools. There is a lot of enthusiasm to start implementing these Successful Educational Actions (SEAS) in their contexts in order to offer an education based in scientific evidences.

The education professionals who have participated in this training session have shared their doubts and concerns in an egalitarian context. This has been possible thanks to a program that have combined both theoretical training based on science and spaces to debate in which all contributions have been well received. The training session has concluded with a visit to a school that already implements these two SEAS.

eDucaR takes part in the ‘Feria de la Ciencia’ once again

For the second consecutive year, five members of the eDucaR team participated in the annual ‘Feria de la Ciencia’ (science fair), which took place on the 10th of May in Bilbao’s Plaza Nueva. Following last year’s presentation of results for the project IMP-EXIT (2015-2017), this year’s event provided a platform for the team to report the progress and preliminary findings of the I+D+I INTER-ACT (2018-2021) research project.

During the event, more than 50 young people took part in interactive group workshops and dialogic literary circles for two hours while their families learned the benefits of such activities, whose positive impact has been validated and supported by the scientific community.

Participation of eDucaR in the project EIPTE (Entrepreneurship in Initial Primary Teacher Education)

 The third intensive week of the EIPTE project (Entrepreneurship in Initial Primary Teacher Education) took place from 1 to 5 April.

During these days, 65 future entrepreneurial teachers (teacherpreneurs) participated in a specific program on entrepreneurship based on the design thinking methodology. In addition, they were accompanied by twenty teachers, researchers and staff from the six collaborating Higher Education institutions, from which the 65 students come:

  1. Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen, The Netherlands
  2. Leuphania University of Lüneburg, Germany
  3. Mid Sweden University, Sweden
  4. Universidad de Deusto, Spain
  5. University College Sjælland, Denmark
  6. University of Appled Sciences, Vilniaus Kolegija, Lithuania

+ Fonden for Entreprenørskab, Denmark and Technichus Science Center, Sweden

During the week, the participants had the opportunity to exchange points of view, see different ways to carry out entrepreneurial projects or talk and debate with experts in the field.

The EIPTE project is coordinated in Bilbao by Professor Arantza Arruti – member of the team Education Research – eDucaR and brings together colleagues from 6 countries (Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Lithuania, Sweden and Spain). Its aim is to increase the number of higher education institutions that develop entrepreneurial education.



eDucaR en DeustoForum: “50 años educando para mejorar el mundo”


Paulo Freire es uno de los intelectuales de la educación más influyentes del siglo XX. En 2018, coincidiendo con la celebración del 50 aniversario de la primera publicación de su libro “Pedagogía del Oprimido”, su figura y pensamiento están siendo objeto de homenajes internacionales. En palabras del autor, “este libro no ha cambiado el mundo, pero sí ha cambiado a las personas que cambiarán el mundo”.

Para dialogar sobre su legado y la educación como instrumento para hacer un mundo mejor, contaremos con Ramón Flecha, doctor Honoris Causa de la West University Timisoara y catedrático de Sociología de la Universidad de Barcelona, que fue invitado como ponente en el homenaje que la Universidad de Harvard dedicó a Freire por el conocimiento de su obra y persona. Junto a él intervendrán Nelida Zaitegui, Presidenta del Consejo Escolar de Euskadi, maestra y pedagoga, y Lourdes Villardón, catedrática de Didáctica y Desarrollo Curricular y doctora en Psicología por la Universidad de Deusto.

Más información AQUÍ

El equipo eDucaR en la Feria de la Ciencia

El próximo sábado, 21 de abril entre las 12:00h y las 14:00h, miembros del equipo eDucaR participaran en la feria de la ciencia, que tendrá lugar en la Plaza Nueva de Bilbao. Una feria a la que acudirán 236 grupos de alumnado y que tiene el objetivo de  fomentar el interés por las vocaciones científicas entre los niños y niñas y de visibilizar los avances de la investigación educativa.
Las personas de nuestro equipo realizarán Tertulias Literarias Dialógicas y Grupos Interactivos, centrados en la lectura del libro clásico de La Odisea de Homero y operaciones matemáticas como la geometría y aritmética. Unas acciones educativas que han demostrado, a través de proyecto I+D+I IMP-EXIT (2015-2017), que al aplicarlas los más pequeños mejoran en la conducta prosocial y en los resultados académicos.
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The eDucaR team organizes the seminar:
21th March 2018,
15:30h. – 16:30h.
Sala 110 (Campus Bilbao)Registration: https://goo.gl/forms/dwSc8YHoWCtbsA9l2 
(Registration Deadline: 16th March)

EDucaR Research Team collaborates in the E2O Meeting


Within the cooperation agreement between the University of Deusto and the Association of Second Chance Schools, the EDucaR research team is collaborating in the organization of the National and European Meeting of Second Chance Schools. The Annual meeting will be held at the University on April 18, 2018.

More detailed information at: Encuentro nacional e  internacional de Escuelas de Segunda Oportunidad 

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