Category Archives: Blogging

How to write quality blog-posts? (for WCT, but not only)

My students have to write blog-posts that fulfill  the following quality requirements: focus, relevance, documentation and correctness. These four elements have to be understood in the context of a university course and are therefor influenced by general academic standards, particularly the last two (and are not usually considered by other blogging advisers such as Darren Rowse or  2008). Nevertheless, my recommendations may prove useful to any kind of blogger: Continue reading

Web Communication Tools (course 2010-11)

Web Communication Tools is a new subject I’m teaching in second year of Modern Languages and Humanities at the University of Deusto.  These are new grades that replaces our old phylologies, so it is the first time I give this subject with the new format (adapted to Bologna).

As it is mentioned in the syllabus (for this course 2010-11)

[The main objective is to learn] how to make the best of alternative tools to email for web communication, such as social networks, blogs, forums, microblogging and wikis.

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Cuanto más uso Facebook, más valoro Delicious

Cuento más tiempo pierdo (o gano, no estoy seguro) en Facebook, más echo de menos funciones de otras herramientas 2.0, en paticular de Delicious, GoogleReader y FriendFeed.

De estas tres herramientas (Delicious, GoogleReader y FriendFeed) la que menos se ha visto afectada por mi nueva adicción ha sido sin duda Delicious, que sigue siendo el principal apoyo documental de mi actividad en la red. (Por este motivo insisto tanto a mis alumnos—con resultados desiguales— que deben adquirir el hábito de usar Delicious).

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Interoperabilidad, reputación y superabundancia

Tengo la primera versión de mi curriculum 2.0.

Lo estoy preparando porque de web 2.0 y redes sociales sé bastante (y no sólo por experiencia, también por investigación) y me he enterado de que buscan a gente como yo.

No es un curriculum completo; sólo hablo de mi experiencia en este campo. Compruebo además que he hablado poco de ello (en foros académicos o científicos), así que aprovecho la ocasión para hacer una prueba.

Habría elaborado el texto usando mi herramienta favorita (MediaWiki), pero esta vez he usado Google Docs, porque en Deusto podemos compartir documentos con Google Apss y se prestaba mejor para la ocasión.

Lo más interesante del texto son las conclusiones: interoperabilidad, reputación y superabundancia. Lo explico en el extracto que copio y pego:

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Deusto’s new Library 2.0

Yesterday I received a very exciting mail from our University Library’s manager, Nieves Taranco. The mail was a bitext, because Deusto is an officially bilingual institution, and official mails should always be Spanish-Basque bimails (i.e. bilingual mails). For those who understand Spanish 😉 I’ll reproduce some fragments below.

The message anounced the imminent move of all Library contents from the old building to the new one, designed by Rafael Moneo, which is almost ready at the other side of river Nervión. The new construction promises many new opportunities, not only because of the tremendous conditions it exhibits in terms of space and technical equipment, but because Nieves in particular, and University leaders at large aim at making the new site a true CRAI (Learning and Research Resource Centre, by the way a recent widespread trend, eg UPF’s).

The acronym does not sound very appealing, and reminds me of a well known supercomputer brand (CRAY). I really prefer the more classical name “Library”, or “Biblioteca” in our case. So better than CRAI I’ll like to see it as Deusto’s new Biblioteca 2.0 (despite Ismael El-Qudsi or Antonio Fumero disqualifying 2.0 vogues – trendy people tend to dislike trends when they become too popular).

I have to say that today am particularly excited because, only one day after Nieves’ mail, I’ve met Lorena Fernández and Iñaki Fuertes (our Web 2.0 guru, the former, and the head of the University’s Computing Service, the latter) and have warranted of plans to convert the new place into a true 2.0 library space. They have invited me to join a brain storming session planned for the weeks after the August vacation.

I cannot wait, so here are some of the things I believe should be combined into an integrated virtual working spUniversity of Deusto old Library buildingace:

  • Learning meterials from faculty scholars (SCORM and LOM formats)
  • Bibliographic searching tools: Scholar, CiteSeer, OAIster, Dialnet (OAI-PMH and other harvesting protocols)
  • Students and library staff blog and wiki syndication, mainly on bibliographic resoures (RSS)
  • Bookmark and social reference managment tools (, myLibraryThing, Wikindx, etc.)
  • Communication channels: email, lists/groups, messenger, social networks (RSS, FOAF)

These ideas have to be more carefully analysed and weighted, but in my oppinion are among the most obvious ingredients for the desired learning resource centre. More proposals, please!

Some recommended references

Library 2.0. (2008, June 20). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 23:56, July 10, 2008, from

Laura Cohen (2006, November 8). A Librarian’s 2.0 Manifesto. Retrieved July 10, 2008, from

From the mail by Nieves Taranco:

La nueva Biblioteca reunirá en su nueva sede toda la colección bibliográfica, unos 900.000 volúmenes, de los que más de 400.000 son monografías; 11.000 títulos de publicaciones periódicas, de las que cerca de 5.000 son “vivas” (en curso de recepción); el Fondo Antiguo e Histórico formado por unos 60.000 volúmenes, con obras impresas desde el siglo XIV al XIX., etc.

Liburutegi berriaren egoitza berrian bilduma bibliografiko guztia jasoko da, ia 900.000 bolumen, euretatik 400.000 monografiak; aldizkako argitalpenen 11.000 izenburu, euretatik 5.000 “biziak” (oraindik ere hartzen direnak); Antzinako Funtsa eta Funts Historikoa, 60.000 bolumenekin, XIV. eta XIX. mendeen artean inprimatutako lanekin, etab.

Blogging at work

I started blogging almost ten years ago, in 1999, in a blog I called Mértola. At that time I din’t even know that that was a blog. The term “blog” had not been coined yet.

I used to blog (mertoleaba) for fun, or maybe as a therapy. Now I’m going to blog at work, for professional reassons. I’ve little free time, really, but I’m going to try.

Translema is the name I’ve chosen for my blog. Its a name that reflects shortly my main professional interest. I’ll be publishing mainly in English and Spanish, and perhaps also in Basque. Spanish is my mother tangue and is the only one I really master. I think I should be able to certify a C2 level on that. I don’t think I’d rate higher than a B2 in either English or Basque. Thus, please excuse my English.

How long does it take to write a blog article? That is an interesting topic for an article. I ask my students to submit large part of their classwork in the form of blog articles and I believe most of them will spend about one to three hours writting them, depending on quality and coverage. I should ask them and write a monographic article on that.