In November 2016 I received an email saying that I had been selected by the University of Deusto to do my Erasmus experience there!
I knew it would be risky from the academic point of view, since I would lose – if I may use the word loss! – some credits through this semester due to the differences in the academic system between Deusto and my home university Birzeit. But since I believe in this:
“A ship is always safe at the shore – but that is NOT what it is built for.”
Albert Einstein
“If you risk nothing, you will risk everything”

I decided to take this chance with the clear goal of learning from a different culture, which certainly is an exceptional way of learning from an experience!
By June 2017, I thought it was pointless to have thought about the academic credits 8 months ago! All I learnt from my experience at the University of Deusto is far more important than a few credits that I would take in the following semester.
As an engineer, I kept my relationship with Mathematics and Physics, and that’s why I discovered my own equations:
- Language courses + practicing = Dealing with people in Spanish isn’t a problem anymore, although when I arrive, I could understand nothing!
- Previous experience + good opportunity + Great team = Doing my first international experience in creating videos by making (Our story!) a video for Deusto Interdisciplinary Research Platform Ageing and Wellbeing.
- Happiness + energy + culture = the best traditional dancing experience in Bilbao, because I joined the Basque Dance Group in Deusto, and we did many performances! This activity led me to discover more and more about a unique, great and interesting culture, which is the traditional basque lifestyle. This geography and the reactions from the Basque people influenced me a lot!
4. Team work + research activities = this academic system improved my learning methods and provided me with more abilities for analyzing and solving problems!
5. Interests of History + a love of traveling = self arrangement for trips & Hikes through Spain taught me a lot and improved my management skills! My trip to Andalucia was very successful and enjoyable, thanks to its powerful and great history and wonderful architecture!
Studying abroad is an interesting, useful and unique opportunity, so if I got the chance again, I won’t think it twice.
I will just DO IT!