Un Centro de Innovación a 10.000 km de Innogune

Por Aitor Arroyo, iNNoVaNDeR 11G

Dos meses han pasado ya desde que llegue a Chile. ¡Que rápido pasa el tiempo! Este país no deja de sorprenderme día a día ya que, cultural, política y económicamente, tenemos tantas cosas en común como diferentes. Estoy de intercambio en Santiago, la capital, y la verdad, para ser una ciudad Latino Americana, no es tan barata como me pensaba.
Debo de reconocer que, los primeros día, no fueron fáciles. Aunque tengamos el idioma en común, en este país hablan muy rápido y se toman las cosas con mucha calma. Al principio me agobiaba, pero creo que ya me estoy acostumbrando a ello.

Entre las universidades que existen en Santiago (unas 50), estoy estudiando en la Universidad Católica de Chile, según dicen, una de las más prestigiosas del país. La verdad, en cuanto a carga lectiva no les falta razón, aunque en mi opinión nosotros les damos mil vueltas.
Sin embargo, existe un lugar en la universidad que me ha cautivado. Un día a la semana tengo clases en el Centro de Innovación Anacleto Angelini, un lugar que me ha fascinado. Este centro es considerado el mejor centro de innovación de Chile. En él conviven unas 50 empresas de reciente creación a la que la universidad les ayuda en sus primeros años de vida, cediéndoles una primera oficina a un precio reducido, además de ofrecerles diferentes cursos de ayuda. Podríamos equipararlo a nuestro querido Innogune.

Centro de Innovación Anacleto Angelini

Centro de Innovación Anacleto Angelini

La única diferencia que veo es que es mucho más grande y dentro del edificio se imparten clases de todo tipo de grados, desde comunicación a ingenierías. El edificio fui diseñado por Alejandro Aravena. Este arquitecto chileno recibió el Premio Pritzker de arquitectura por este edifico (Los Oscar de la arquitectura). Está divido en cinco plantas. En las dos primeras se sitúan los dos auditorios, la cafetería y las aulas para los alumnos de la Universidad. Las otras tres, están ocupadas por las diferentes empresas que componen el centro y la dirección del mismo.

Nada más entrar al edificio, se nota que el ambiente es muy diferente al resto de la universidad. Los trabajadores de las empresas en cuanto ven a alguien nuevo, como fue mi caso, en seguida te dan la bienvenida al edificio y te explican cómo funciona todo. La verdad que fue muy interesante. Cuando volví a la semana siguiente, me sorprendió mucho que, en ese lugar, siempre había mucho movimiento y me daba gusto ver cómo cualquier persona de cualquier facultad era bienvenida al mismo. Almudena, una compañera de clase, me explicó que la universidad fomentaba que cualquier alumno conozca todo lo que allí hacían mediante concurso semanales, fiestas, charlas etc… Los alumnos son muy proactivos a participar (cosas que deberíamos mejorar en Deusto). Me di cuenta que la Universidad hacía una clara apuesta por la innovación y el emprendimiento.

 Centro de Innovación Anacleto Angelini - interior

Centro de Innovación Anacleto Angelini – interior

¡Parece ser que me he topado con un Innogune en chile! Pues así ha sido y la verdad es que me ha sorprendido mucho. Aunque, sí que me gustaría destacar algunos matices sobre este icónico lugar para los chilenos. He podido apreciar que las empresas que trabajan en este centro son muy diferentes a las que encontramos en el Innogune o en nuestro país. Mientras que nosotros, por lo general, parecemos poder innovar en cualquier ámbito, es curioso observar que, en este centro y en Chile en general, la innovación y la creación de empresas está basado únicamente en creación y desarrollo de productos, como pueden ser jugos naturales o patatas fritas de algas chilenas. En el centro sólo existen dos proyectos con base tecnológica o que ofrezcan algún servicio, lo cual me ha sorprendido.

¿Qué puedo decir sobre este centro y la innovación que se genera en Chile? Si bien, soy consciente que puede ser algo sesgado mi conclusión, a priori me he dado cuenta que, este país, está un paso más atrás en muchos aspectos. La innovación que se genera, va por buen camino, pero creo que si se quiere generar un mayor valor en la sociedad tienen que ir un paso más allá en la innovación. Pero es evidente que van por buen camino.
En definitiva, es un buen lugar, que me ha hecho sentirme como en casa cada vez que he ido. Pero me he dado cuenta que, gracias a este centro, no somos conscientes de lo afortunados que somos en vivir donde vivimos por los avances tecnológicos y sociales que tenemos. En Chile los avances están comenzado, pero todavía les queda mucho camino por recorrer.

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  49. When you have to enter the setup wizard of your tplink extender you need to do tplinkrepeater.net login because this portal will take you to the tplinkrepeater.net login page from where you can configure, reset, update firmware, set network SSIDs and really, do a lot more. So, hop on and began to configure your tp link range extender.

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  55. The default gateway routerlogin.net helps you get through the login page and access several wireless settings of your router. http://www.routerlogin.net You can configure your router and change these advanced settings as per your choice, provided that you are connected to the router’s network.

  56. You can still access your Netgear admin panel using routerlogin.net default gateway or default IP address. The Nighthawk Routerlogin.net application is also used to access the control panel. Since you are free to change as many settings as you want. You can configure wireless settings and have secure access to your router’s admin page by changing the username and password.

  57. Once you have completed setting up Routerlogin.net you will be able to access the Internet quickly on all connected devices without any interruption. Logging in to the Netgear router login page is a simple process. If you are trying to log in to the routerlogin network page to configure your router

  58. The NETGEAR router login page
    http://www.routerlogin.net and all the problems and their solutions that you may encounter when logging in to your NETGEAR router, especially for the first time.

  59. Netgear is one of the most famous router manufacturers in the world. It was the first to offer users the fastest wireless router. These routers guarantee a strong and stable network connection. The Netgear Router router is designed with the needs of different home network users in mind.

  60. The Orbi Wi-Fi system delivers unparalleled speed and performance throughout your home. This product is popular among users for its beautiful design and outstanding features. You can use this tool after setting up the Orbi router.

  61. Myrouter.local is a default command that is used to access the web interface of linksys router and that is used to update the settings of linksys device. It is also advised that we should use myrouter.local, as it is easy to remember and use than the default gateway.

  62. Ap.setup or both web pages are using while setup your wavlink extender. You need to click on setup after login http://www.ap.setup page.

  63. System Time is the time displayed in your ASUS router that is utilised during the time-based control features like Parental control, Access Schedule, Remote Management, etc. To make sure that you are having the correct time, a user has to check that the Time zone is set correctly in the router.asus.com interface or not. You can configure System Time through the Time Settings tab of the ASUS router.

  64. Re.rockspace.local is not like the old routers. They basically helos in taking out the dead spots in our work environment. Can without a much of stretch can connect the extender with the current network. It has the best class show structure. It comprises of numerous highlights that makes this extender novel.

  65. Orbilogin.com is a third independent party service provider, giving the information and troubleshooting steps for technical issues related to Netgear Orbi devices.The default gateway IP address of our Orbi is Orbi makes it easy to set up and manage our Wifi router.We just have to connect our mobile device to Orbi’s Wifi network and the app will walk us through the rest.Once set up, we can manage our connected devices, run a quick internet speed test,pause internet,set up circle,Smart parental controls and much more.

  66. Usually, people are using Dlinkap.local because; it is one of the most convenient routers that execute several functions of a wireless access point. In order to connect a D link wireless router to computer, we can configure it in just some minutes and once we have arranged the Dlinkap.local router and set it up , after that our Wi-Fi connection will be set up and we will be able to connect to the internet through our Dlink router.

  67. If you forget the default IP address of a Linksys router, you can type linksyssmartwifi.com in the address bar of a browser to interact with its local interface. The default IP address of the Linksys router is You can even access the IP address of a Linksys router through the Status tab from the web menu Dashboard of your device. A user can change the IP address to a desired numeric by using the web interface of the router.

  68. While playing online games, streaming, and using videoconferencing applications, users are advised to activate the default DMZ server feature. It helps in providing the Network Address Translation which is programmed to recognize some applications and helps in working appropriately with them. You can activate and deactivate the DMZ server using the routerlogin.net management window of a Netgear router.

  69. Wifi.wavlink.com has the authority to provide its users with access to wavlink log in and set up page and manage the Wavlink extender. To access the Wifi.wavlink.com page , we need to connect our extender to the router and wifi enabled device through an ethernet cable.

  70. To improve the wireless speed of the tplinkrepeater.net network, a user must keep three things in mind that you must keep the range extender in the best location. You must configure the range extender to an optimum level and you must upgrade the device regularly to deliver the best performance. Users are recommended to connect the range extender to a router using the wired connection. The easiest method of connecting the range extender to the router is the WPS (Wifi Protected Setup) connection.

  71. A wireless security password of a network could be changed by the router’s interface. To interact with the Dlink router’s interface, you need to have access to the login credentials. From the web menu Dashboard, click Wireless then go to the Wireless settings tab to make changes in the password of a Dlink router. No user can access the dlinkrouter.local web interface without the approval of the administrator or correct login credentials.

  72. During the Firmware upgrade process, users are usually advised to perform it through the manual method using the wired connection setup method. A failure might occur during the firmware upgrade process because of the wireless connection process which can be replaced by the wired connection method. The firmware is uploaded to an Amped router through the setup.ampedwireless.com interface.

  73. Router.asus.com is the login address of your Asus wireless router. The login address helps you get access to the device and configure its settings. You can even manage the wireless settings of your device. To login through router.asus.com, enter the login address in the web browser and press Enter. After that, type the login details.

  74. Harry dice:

    netgear nighthawk router login can be initiated with the help of the default web address routerlogin.net. You can also use the Nighthawk app on your mobile or smartphone to login to the router. Make sure you remember the username and password of your device in order to login to the router without any hassle.

  75. The login password is used to keep the unwanted users away from accessing the dlinkrouter.local homepage and the wireless password is used to keep the users away from accessing the router’s network. While changing the login or the wireless password, there are certain rules that every user has to follow. Make sure you are following every rule while changing a router’s password.

  76. Users facing the Internet issue in their network can refer to the online manual guide or can check the speed of their Internet using Speed test application. You can access the Speedtest feature from the setup.ampedwiresless.com interface. If you are using a wireless connection to connect your computer to the router, make sure your computer is within the absolute wireless range of the Amped router. The wireless signal strength should be above 3 bars, if not you might need to bring your PC closer to the router.

  77. If a user always wants to be notified about every activity of a Netgear router, he can set up a Security Event Mail Notifications feature on his device. By activating the feature, all the logs are automatically sent according to the schedule that you set. After the logs are sent, they will get cleared from the Netgear router’s memory. You can configure the Security Event Mail Notification through the routerlogin.net management window.

  78. These networking products are customized with the high compatibility to capture even the far away signals and secure your network from various bug and threats. Make your home networking system smart enough with the blazing fast speed of connectivity, to even allow the other gadgets within your home with your network without disturbing the speed of your network. Smart Connect feature within your Dlinkrouter.local page allows the device to give a throughput of its maximum speed.

  79. Using the Remote Management feature, a user can remotely access and control the device efficiently. While configuring the Remote Management, you need to make sure that you know the MAC address of the device with which you are going to access the Linksys router. You can activate and configure the Remote Management feature using the linksyssmartwifi.com interface.

  80. The URL tplinkwifi.net resolves to your router’s gateway IP address. If the URL is not working you can try and use your Router’s gateway IP. The data transmitted between the browser (client) and tplinkwifi.net (server) remains safe and encrypted. No one else could decrypt the data except the client and the server, because the server uses a secure connection builder.

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  82. The default web address http://myrouter.local can be used to access the Linksys router login page. When you use the device’s admin details on the login page, you will be redirected to the setup wizard where you can manage the router’ settings and more features easily. You can edit the network settings and work on streamlining the router’s settings. For more help with the router setup process, or the router login part, read through the router setup guide on our website.

  83. Caitlyn dice:

    Great article. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

  84. arris login dice:

    To navigate to the Arris login page, open a web browser on a device connected to the router’s network. Type in the address bar and click Go. You will see the Arris router login page on your screen. Enter “admin” in the username and “password” in the password. Finally, click Login and you will login to the router.

  85. The default web address of your Orbi admin login is orbilogin.net if it is not working use the default IP address of your Orbi router

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  88. The default web address for the Netgear wifi extender setup is mywifiext.net. If you are unable to access mywifiext setup or the wwwmywifiextnet login page, our experts can assist you in configuring your WiFi range extender.

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